Rock That Quilt Block
Rock That Quilt Block
72 quilt designs from award-winning authors, designers, and teachers, Linda J. Hahn and Deborah G. Stanley!
With this download, you’ll instantly have Linda and Deb’s designs at your fingertips. Open the quilt project in EQ8, print your rotary cutting charts, templates, or foundation patterns, and get sewing right away! Or, get creative by trying out different fabrics, adding more blocks, changing the borders, etc. Let Linda and Deb’s designs rock your world of creativity!
EQ projects for 10 quilts from Linda and Deb’s Rock That Quilt Block book, PLUS a bonus project, and over 55 quilt variations:
After downloading and installing, find the quilts by clicking Open an existing project on the EQ8 Home Screen. Choose a project, click OK, then browse through the Project Sketchbook to see the blocks and quilts. The projects for this download all start with “RTQB.”
Open the Fabric Library and look for “Rock That Quilt Block”. Click the plus signs (+) to expand the library and view the fabrics!
About the Authors
Linda J. Hahn is a National Quilting Association (NQA) Certified Teacher and former NQA Teacher of the Year. Her bestselling quilting books have won multiple Independent Publishers Book Awards with Gold, Silver, and Bronze Medals. Linda was named “New Jersey All Star Quilter” by the State Quilt Guild of New Jersey and has been nominated three times for Professional Quilter Magazine’s Teacher of the Year Award. Linda is a fabric designer for Banyan Batiks, an EQ Artist, and a Janome Artisan. Her work has been published in numerous national quilting magazines. Linda also designs quilt patterns for RJR Fabrics and Clothworks, Inc., and markets her own quilt patterns under the name Frog Hollow Designs. She actively lectures and presents workshops for shows and guilds throughout North America. You can learn more about Linda on her site:
Information about the Rock that Quilt Block book and kits can be found on Linda’s website, here.
Deborah G. Stanley is an independent designer whose work has been published in many magazines, including Quilt magazine, Love of Quilting, Modern Patchwork, American Quilter, and Quilter’s World. She has designed consumer projects for several fabric companies, including Northcott, RJR, and Elizabeth’s Studio. Her specialty is simple, easy-to-complete sewing and quilting projects, especially lap quilts and handbags.
These designs are copyrighted by Linda J. Hahn and Deborah G. Stanley. You may use these designs for personal use only. You do not have permission to sell these patterns in any form.
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