BlockBase+ Update Release Notes
To update your BlockBase+, click here.
Version Release Notes (Windows) (Mac) – Released June 29, 2021
New Features
- Updater: A new Update system has been added to make the process of updating BlockBase+ a lot easier. For future updates, you will be notified when a new update is available. Alternatively, choose File > Check for Updates on Windows or BlockBase Plus > Check for Updates on Mac.
- Print Favorites: Print a reference sheet of the blocks that you have added to your Favorites in BlockBase+. Learn more here >>
- Export Favorites for EQ: Export a library of your Favorites from BlockBase+ to easily find them when you have the software linked to EQ8. Once exported, Favorites will appear at the end of the BlockBase Plus list in the EQ8 Block Library. Favorites need to be exported each time you make changes in BlockBase+ to ensure the EQ8 Library is up-to-date. Learn more here >>
- Export SVG Block Templates with No Seam Allowance: User now has the option to enter zero for the seam allowance when exporting block templates as an SVG file.
Bug Fixes
- Issue: Users with new computers with the 11th generation Intel processors could not move templates in the Print Preview. This issue has been fixed.
- Issue: Users with new computers with the 11th generation Intel processors could not change the display in the viewer (changing colorways or turning patch lines on/off). This issue has been fixed.
- Issue: Older computers could not display the preset Quilt Layouts. This issue has been fixed.
- Issue: Program crashed if user tried to save over a PDF file that was open. This issue has been fixed.
- Issue: Program crashed if user tried to export an SVG of the block image with “show patch lines only” selected while the colorway for blocks was set to line drawings. This issue has been fixed.
- Issue: Program crashed if user entered the ^ character in the Published Name search. This issue has been fixed.
- Issue: MacOS did not remember changes to the screen size made by user. This issue has been fixed.
- Issue: On macOS the arrow next to the category name in the Block Navigation Toolbar would appear closed even when the category was open. This issue has been fixed.
- Issue: On macOS, select printers occasionally had an out of memory error when trying to print blocks, foundation patterns, or templates. This issue has been fixed.
- Issue: User could accidentally add an extra extension at the end of the file name for PDF, JPEG, and PNG files on macOS. This issue has been fixed.
- Issue: Published name search on Windows did not provide a message when there were zero results for the search. This issue has been fixed.
- Issue: There are a handful of blocks that cannot be sectioned for paper piecing due to the way that they were drawn or because the design is not foundation pieceable. These blocks were not clearly identified as such in the Print Foundation dialog. This issue has been fixed.
- Issue: Width label for parallelogram patches on Rotary Cutting Charts were incorrect. This issue has been fixed.
- Plus various other small bug fixes and UI updates.