Amy Heaton
Amy took up quilting in 2003 when she accompanied her grandmother to the local fabric store to pick up a few items. It all began with a pieced butterfly quilt pattern, some purple fat quarters, a pair of scissors and matboard for templates (her grandmother actually owns a picture framing business). It didn’t take but two years for her to acquire her very own sewing machine, rotary cutter and a copy of the Electric Quilt 2005 software. She describes the experience, “I have always been an artistic person. Once I had the software in my hands, I found myself taking a laptop with me to work and designing quilts on my lunch hour. I just couldn’t get enough.” She started her website in 2007 and began selling her designs under her business name Country Junk’tion. By 2010 her block-of-the-month series had gained worldwide popularity with customers as far away as New Zealand. She says of her first quilt, “That purple butterfly quilt turned out hideous! I still haven’t finished it. It took several more completed quilts for me to appreciate the accuracy of a good 1/4″ seam.”